Music and lyrics by Cole Porter
Book by Guy Bolton & P.C. Wodehouse
Nov. 11, 12, 13, 14, 1982
Director: Kay Burchette
Assistant director: Marty Owen
Music director: Karon Stirling
Choreograpy: Sandy Mason, Kathy Schwartz, Nancy Sheets
Rehearsal accompanists: Karen Spurgeon, Jena Dicks (Hawk)
Synopsis: The story concerns madcap antics aboard an ocean liner bound from New York to London. Billy Crocker is a stowaway in love with heiress Hope Harcourt, who is engaged to Lord Evelyn Oakleigh. Nightclub singer, Reno Sweeney, and Public Enemy #13, Moonface Martin, aid Billy in his quest to win Hope.
Cast (in order of appearance): Reno Sweeny Coe Travis; Billy Crocker Steve Bender; Moonface Phil Norton; Hope Gail Allen; Bonnie Cathy Dixon; Sir Evelyn Tim Juhl; Mrs. Harcourt Hazel Nardini; Whitney Gary McConnell; Bishop Robert Von Bon; Steward Fred Hainline; Reporter Roger Grant; Cameraman Ron Bride; Two Chinese: Ching Bryan Speer, Ling Greg Fowler; Four Angels: Purity Michelle Juhl, Chastity Sue Johnsen, Clarity Diane Mathews, Virtue Sandy Mason; Purser Steve Campbell; Captain Leroy Bergmann; Sailors Russ Mikels, Louis Davis; Passengers Chris Griffin, Julie Griffin, Patty Hainline, Sandra Huffman, Donna Trelarne, Jean Stockham
Orchestra: Conductor Karon Stirling; Piano Karen Spurgeon; Violin Martha Boatman, Thomas Stirling; Flute Jim Mincks; Clarinet Jena Dicks, Bill Stateler; Alto saxophone Jena Dicks, Bill Stateler; Trombone Randy Johnson; Trumpet Lynn Chickering; Percussion Shelly Bassett
Crews: Stage crew Ron Bride, Roger Grant, Fred Hainline, Russ Mikels; Props Phyllis Aeschliman, Carol Reames, Carol Reed, Phil Norton; Set construction Ron Bride, Sam Botts, Leroy Bergmann, Chris Griffin, Phil Norton, Gary McConnell; Costumes Wanda Knupp, Susan McConnell, Kathy Bergman, Lillian Haufe, Kathy Mincks; Seamstresses Betty Bell, Sue Utt, Lynn Chickering, Helen Sloan, Mary Bragg, Carolyn Scott, Debbie Rayburn, Roberta McClure, Sue Hooper, Marcella Thompson, Linda Pettit, Nancy Games, Dorothy Jessen, Virginia Pabst; Lights Gary Henry, Don Treharne, Mark Wilfawn, Jack Boatman, Rick Harper; Sound Lynn Spilman; Scenery Debbie Baughman & Cheryl Fleming; Babysitters Nancy Plowman, Margie Leonard, Robin Elliott, Laurie Fountain, Tim Davis, Rick Hubbartt, April Williams, Rick Davidson, Sally Teubel, Dawn Lee, Samantha Spurgeon, Julie Couchman, Kevin Early, Clint Marshall, Julie Wilcox, Rod Schweiger, Kevin Ritz, Rhonda Gibson, Kim Weillbrenner, Beth Stevenson, Brenda Knapp, Linda Jones, Amy Melnick, Missy Creath, Cheryl Perry; Makeup Myra Martin, Pam Whitacre, Jill Owen, Kathy Lake, Dena Boone, Sandra Warning, Karen Brown, Nona Barker, Linda Pettit, Deb Norton, Sue Bender, Donna Juhl, Pam Buron, Shirley Arndt, Kathy Bergmann, Nancy Inman, Nonna Garrett, Janice Warning, Mary Vinzant, Janet Boone; Hair stylists Mike Boatman, Becky Blumhagen; Prompter Beverly Spurgeon; Runner Karen Brown; Tickets Lynn Spilman; House committee Nancy Young, Elaine Perry, Joyce Pence, Mildred Spilman; Programs Anne Morgan; Reading committee Russ Mikels, Lillian Haufe, Kay Burchette; Program cover & poster design Tammy Hinton; Tryouts Kay Burchette, Phyllis Shelton, Nancy Games, Marty Owen; Publicity Carol Reames, Karen Pose, Joni Silvers, Lynn Shumate