Music and Lyrics by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross
Book by George Abbott and Richard Bissell
Nov. 5. 6, 7, 8, 1987
Directed by Lyle Stirling
Music directed by Karon Stirling
Produced by Chris Griffin and Gary Spurgeon
Choreography by Gail Wortmann and Karon Stirling
Synopsis: Welcome to Cedar Rapids, Iowa in the late 1950s. All seems well in this town except for the union and management struggle at the Sleep Tite Pajama factory. There, workers are becoming frustrated with the unwillingness of Sleep Tite management to grant a 7 1/2 cent raise like pajama workers elsewhere have received. As the story unfolds, the union-management struggle gets in the way of the love affair between Babe, the chairman of the grievance committee, and Sorokin, the manager of the factory.
Cast (in order of appearance): Vernon Hines Joe Snyder; Prez Steve Augspurger; Sewing machine girls: Carment Hazel Nardini-Crall, Virginia Heather Cope, Poopsie Denise Talbot, Mae Michelle Campbell, Mary Barbara Huffman, Brenda Shawna McMain, Charlene Elaine Bowen; Joe Phil Norton; Myron Hasler Gary McConnell; Rodriquez Steve Zieser; Gladys Hotchkiss Pat Layland-Rodda; Mabel Sandra Huffman; Charley Robert Von Bon; Eddie Phil Hebrink; Sid Sorokin Steve Campbell; Babe Williams Gail Allen; Max Christopher Griffin; Pop Williams Gary Spurgeon; Waiter Lyle Stirling
Orchestra: Director Karon Stirling; Piano Alan Burke Kirkdorffer; Violin Thomas Stirling; Flute Jim Mincks, Kim Schuler; Alto Saxophone & Clarinet Karen Spurgeon; Tenor & Alto Saxophone Michele Burke Kirkdorffer; English Horn & Clarinet Michele Burke Kirkdorffer; Trumpet Jeff Stirling; Tuba Joe Melvin; Percussion Linda Dearborn; Rehearsal Accompanist Connie Giese
Crews: Props Phyllis Aeschliman, Joe & Janet Woolard, Joyce Pence, Lisa Taylor, Jane Kauzlarich, Danny Van Horn, Ron Bride; Set construction Chris Griffin, Gary Spurgeon, Joe Snyder, Joe Woolard, Steve Bender; Technical engineer Jack Woolard; Set painting Steve Howard, Joanne Rupe, Joe Woolard, Angie Warner, Cathy Gordy, Christine Miller; Costumes Hildred Gordy, Ruth Swaim, Joann Phillis; Lights Fred and Patti Hainline; Makeup Jim Carlisle, Jennifer Carlisle, Amy Carlisle, Pat Lamb, Trudy Spurgeon; Tickets Anne Morgan, Elaine Perry, Jean Stockham, Sue Bender, Kathi Mincks, Lesle Kouba, Mary Kincart, Virginia Kinnamon, Beverly Andrews, Susan Martin; Bookholder Sonia Wegner; Runner Karen Brown; House Sandra Mason, chairperson; Programs Gary Spurgeon and The Bloomfield Democrat; Photos Scott Spurgeon