Book by Chad Beguelin and Tim Herlihy
Music by Matthew Sklar
Lyrics by Chad Beguelin
Nov. 12, 13, 14 & 15, 2015
Directed by Gail Wortmann
Assistant director/pit crew Mari Melvin
Synopsis: It’s 1985 and rockstar wannabe Robbie Hart is New Jersey’s favorite wedding singer. He’s the life of the party until his own fiancee leaves him at the altar. Shot through the heart, Robbie makes every wedding as disastrous as his own. Enter Julia, a winsome waitress who wins his affection. As luck would have it, Julia is about to be married to a Wall Street shark, and unless Robbie can pull off the performance of a decade, the girl of his dreams will be gone forever.
Cast: Robbie Harrison Van Mersbergen; Sammy Ryan Snyder; George Steve Nash; Holly Emmy Note; Julia Kirstina Gratz; Glen Rich Wortmann; Rosie Aleta Mikels; Linda/Tina Turner Jessica Fenton; Angie Joanna McCoy; David/Ronald Reagan James Grob; Mookie Nathan Bierl; Crystal Lindsey Wortmann; Donnie/Mr.T Joe Davis; Tiffany Cailyn Sales; Grandpa Moishe/Arnold Russ Mikels; Shopwoman/Glen’s Secretary Shannon Krenz-Klaus; Photographer/Priest/Flower deliverer Jack Knox; Ricky (bartender) Wayne Van Mersbergen; Bum Brian Stevenson; Impersonator Billy Idol Dane Stevenson; Impersonator Cyndi Lauper Camille Cook; Impersonator Imelda Marcos Caitlin Paddock; Ensemble Savanah Summers, Charlette Nash, Hannah Orwig, Zach Bridgman, Joe Snyder, Lyle Stirling, Joy Orwig, Heidi & Adam Shroyer, Trenten Goode, Douglas Turner, Sarah Early, Macayla Moore, Buddy HarschJared Shapiro Kolton StremlerJewish Boys Wyatt McClure, David Nash, Max McCoy, Kyle Miller, Luke MillerJewish Girls Morgan Klaus, Kaylea Hopkins, Bladelyn Stewart, Rose Davis
Crews: Vocal coach Lyle Stirling; Choreographer Jill Sanford McKee, Charlette Nash; Props Brian & Jan Stevenson, Dane Stevenson; Costumes Tricia Stremler, Jesse Garmon, Kyle McClure; Sound Wes Krenz, George Nixon; Lights Maddie McClure, Kassidy Stremler, Amber Bailey; Hair/makeup Madison Henderson, Lori Dixon, Ginny Irwin, Molly Moore, Alexis Reno; Art Kim Byrd, DC High School Art Club; Flowers Susan Davis; Prompter and house Diane Bales; Set construction Bruce Wortmann, Ron Bride, Wayne Van Mersbergen, Brian Stevenson; Social media Joanna McCoy, Lindsey Wortmann; Photographer Laura Van Mersbergen; Tech Consultants Mehan Shively, Justin Hill; Tryout greeters/pianist Lindsey Wortmann, Diane Bales, Gail Van Mersbergen; Projectionist Logan Faler
Electronic accompaniment provided by OrchEXTRA